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Our Story
We are a 501c3 organization, (Federal Tax ID 26-1607702), based in North-Eastern Nevada, active in the rescue and rehoming of abandoned, surrendered, abused or neglected dogs from High-Kill Shelters across the USA. The vast majority of Korean Jindos appear in the shelters around Los Angeles, and Southern California, so our work tends to be concentrated in these geographical areas.
We are located about 1.5 hours east of Elko, NV, and 1.5 hours south of Twin Falls, ID by car
Our main interest is the Korean Jindo Dog, and we hope that with our knowledge and experience of this breed, we can help educate the public to understand and appreciate this ancient breed to the fullest!
As a rescue organization, we work to pull dogs from the shelters, or receive them through private surrenders, and then place them in private foster homes until such time as an approved forever home can be found for them. (We occasionally place dogs into approved boarding facilities if we have a foster home into which we can place them within a few days). We try to place some dogs in foster homes close to our base in Northern Nevada, but, with the help of our volunteers, also place the majority of dogs in foster homes closer to the location of their shelter. Most of our foster dogs are located in/around Los Angeles, and in the Bay Area, (San Francisco and Oakland).
All dogs are neutered or spayed, and provided with medical care, which can range from basic care to surgery and care of geriatric and/or terminally ill dogs. All dogs are shown compassion and love. We also provide dogs with training if necessary to aid in their rehabilitation before adoption.
Read Our Story and learn how Two Dog Farms came to be
We are federally registered as a 501c3 organization, and are registered also as a Domestic Non-Profit Corporation in the State of Nevada. All donations are tax deductible.
Meet the team!

Our Directors, Philip and Rosalind, with 4 of their current pack of 12, (L to R: Rupert, Parslee, Alfred, and Gussie), attending Strut your Mutt in Salt Lake City, 2018.
They live in a remote corner of NE Nevada.

Our Bay Area / NorCal Lead Volunteer, Jennifer, with her pack (L to R: Sala, Louie, and Fiona), attending Strut your Mutt in San Francisco, 2018.
She lives in the Bay Area, CA.

Volunteer, Jane, with her 11 year old Pit Bull, Maggie.
She lives in San Diego, CA.

Foster parent, Debbie, with her girl, Jinx, who recently passed.
Debbie has fostered 10s of Jindos over the years, and is our most experienced foster Mom, often taking many of the most shelter-shocked Jindos and helping them decompress before either finding forever homes or moving to other, regular foster homes.
She lives in NW Nevada.

Trainer and foster-assistant, Connie, shown here with a recent foster, Nari.
Connie works with Debbie, and together, they help acclimate many of the more shelter-shocked Jindos to normal life.
She lives in NW Nevada.

Jindo advocate, Anya, with her boy, Jimmy.
Anya has been a foster, transporter and volunteer in the past, whilst resident in the US, and now, as a resident in Australia, she remains a stalwart advocate for the breed.

Volunteer, (and former foster), Liz, with her boy, Jack.
She lives in Los Angeles, CA.

Volunteer and foster, Fred, with his girl, Misty.
He lives in Seattle, WA.

Volunteer (and former serial-foster), Brian, with two of his girls, Luna, and Zoe.
Brian lives in Los Angeles, CA.

Volunteer (and former foster), Nancy, with one of her two TDF alums, Carter.
She lives in Los Angeles, CA.

Fundraising Chairs, and website assistants, David and Joy, with Micki and Belle.
They all live in Los Angeles, CA.

Foster co-ordinator and application checker, Alice, with her elderly Yorkie – apparently her two Jindo boys (Link and Jingu – both TDF alums) refused to pose for a picture with their Mama! We’ll keep trying…!
She lives in Seattle, WA.