The Two Dog Farms Ten Commandments

1. I will provide the calm, fair leadership, structure and routine that my animals require.
2. I will think.
3. I will have a Plan.
4. I will have a Plan B.
5. I will accept challenges for what they are – challenges – and use my big giant primate brain to solve them.
6. If something bad happens, I will not panic: I will ask myself “what did I do wrong?” and go from there.
7. I will admit my mistakes and not shift blame onto the dog, the breed or the weather, etc..
8. I will be big enough to ask for advice.
9. I will heed that advice.
10. No-one made me get an animal. But now that I have one, I will persist. I will not quit. Giving up is NOT acceptable. (see Commandments 2 – 4).